The Influence
Often we find a similar trend in two people conjoining for a nuptial bliss or even before, while they are betrothed or termed as a couple. A major segment of the mind revolves around the likings and disliking of the partner. The brain is shielded by the partner’s perception and the actions are thereby stemmed accordingly. I would be too prejudiced to call this as self-ignorance but I do feel that somehow the influence of one of the two is so strong that it overshadows the other’s psychology. I have always been a very equality conscious person. Never made attempts to let anyone down or show things off, irrespective of the biases that exist. And with this uncanny and random observation I was flustered. Rather panic stricken on knowing the impact on the persona, creating imbalance unintentionally. The usual targets are the petty things when there is always an explicit expression of strong liking and disliking to which the other easily concedes. The impression is intense enough to mak...