Offings on the way!
How often do we muse on those incidents and teachings that give us a lesson for life? Wisdom gathered from here and there and making it stick on forever. And seldom do we thank those fellows for bringing light to those hidden adages. I clearly remember that day; it was rather uneventfully consequential day of my life. A father figure told me to make the most of the choices that come my way. Having said that, he emphasized, “Communication is the key”. Those words, still ring in my ears. In that short span, right in that moment it became a phrase associated with me for good. But then I never looked back and thanked him. I never realized how he managed to guide me for the rest of my life. If I now brood on, thirty years seem full of teachings by those god-sent men (at least for that moment). And I wonder how many such people helped me be what I am today. I am so sure; we all must have learnt something or the other even from tiny little needle to that n bristled toothbrush....