
Atrociously Truthful to Acceptance

Acceptance is apparently the hardest part of life. Just on the verge of stepping into the other side of life, when I look back it already seems like I have lived for so long and that’s unbelievable. I am glad no one barged in with a knife behind my back all these years. Because just a couple of days back I woke up realising I am not the same guy to sleep at 3 and wake up at 10 any longer. My poo wakes me up at 6:30 sharp. And that my friend is how I have designed myself. Apparently! For now, let's just blame it partly on the school going teenager and partly on the work commitments and most importantly the time zone differences from family! Speaking of which, without digressing for another moment, let's just accept the old age rage syndromes and begin speaking of acceptance yet again.  Accepting that another person did not like your design, accepting that your product launch failed to impress the client, accepting that you are scared of falling down, may be yet again; phew!! Let

Life in those 16 boxes

Moving on is a big game changer in everyones life. Some move on in mind and some in space.  Although as much you try to quantify the two, there never will be a clear winner.   But then, life does move on.  With another episode in action, my life decided to move on both mentally and physically. Mentally of the people of heart, and physically to the land of so called opportunities, Amedicah! (Pun intended) Hence for all, the first step to moving places is boxing things up. As much as I allowed myself to be generous in giving away most of the belongings I possessed, I wrapped everything special I ever have in those 16 boxes. Might as well highlight the disproportions caused in the mind when life goes all robotic. Hence this time I chose to segregate all my belongings by myself rather than relying on some movers and packers touching my valuable things and dumping them irrationally into their boxes. There is a whole life of 40 years enclosed and parceled to a space unknown, unguarded. Safe

The Eight Year Old Roomie

A sequel to The Four Year Old Roomie ’;  Yes! four years have passed since then, we continue to be each others roomie without fail. It is 2020, the epic year which shall be remembered in history. Meanwhile life is still growing and walking ahead. And so is my little one, not so little anymore though. The twists and turns of life remain unwavering as ever.  She being she, continues to be over sensible for her age and me being me, continue to be as crazy as ever. We deciphered that we were the perfect combination for each other to survive together endlessly. Ofcourse, the last four years has had some impact on both of us. Changed environments, changed behaviours, preteens, from a preschooler to a primary class student, things are more verbal than physical now (the fights, I intend to highlight). Her kindness and grace has risen for sure while my coolness and not so mommy traits have become obvious to her.  The daily struggles of her being running away from home works and

Judgemental Error

Been there done that. Age does make you wiser or atleast more receptive in terms of people behaviour and attitude. And just what these recent events got me this time and not just a mere thinker. So I rose up one level I guess. The mysteries of being a human doesn't end anywhere. The multiple layers hidden in a single personality is quite perplexing in itself. Like always, I like to record my observations and when time allows I like to look back getting a fool proof validation everytime. This new heedfulness resulted in categorizing people into two kinds on the basis of being judgemental and assertive. Let me begin with the very first kind, which presents itself as all powerful, all knowledgeable, is assertive on the basis of their knowledge which is to a large extent very true also yet in their knowledge, they have very little window to enhance it. They put a period on the subject that is done. This makes them closed minded. This leads to a superiority complex. And henc

To be or not to be like Water

The more I want to be like water, the more I analyze its character as well as the adversities it hides in itself. So far I was focussing on the exceptionalities. The calmness, the resilience and the adaptiveness. I have been envisioning to imbibe all of these for a while now. These are pecularities you need, to survive on without being afflicted or hurt. Yet, it is hard to be so flowy and accommodating, you will always be hit by hurdles.  Somethings will always try to stop you. Yet when you choose to flow, you shall. When you flow, you put all yourself in. Then there is no baggage behind. You believe to gather yourself and go along all the time. But when you decide a life like that, in real world scenario, you shall only abide by yourself and be prepared to be dispossessed by most people to meet new ones and keep flowing. You shall hurt them and hurt yourself in this process. There will be attachments and heart breaks.  Just as you touch water, you feel cool, you feel fresh,

"Once I lived with a Song"

Once I lived with a song.. The song had a beautiful smile.. The song had a nested soul.. The song believed in itself.. Once I lived with a song.. Everymorning it hummed in my ears.. Every evening it sang to me to sleep.. Every now and then it helped me live.. Once I lived with a song.. The song had a dark side.. The song had forbidden brink.. The song was sad.. Once I lived with a song.. It once woke up choking.. It was entrapped inside its own fright.. It meant to break the walls of steel.. Once I lived with a song.. Its sufferings became unbearable.. It was time for it to forget it all.. It was time for it to end.. Once I lived with a song.. I couldnt see its plight.. I couldnt help it either.. I watched it die till the end.. Once I lived with a song.. The song looked at me for help.. The song couldn't figure out how.. The song needed a friend.. Once I lived with a friend.. My friend needed a guide.. My

All Enclosed Within'

“In the long run, what matters is how much you are centered within.” I, like I always do, “wonder”, and this time I tried to look a few notches deeper into my own self to discover the existential importance of my alter ego. And I realized that it’s not just important to me rather it is my true self in the hiding. The thin line between sanity and insanity is what all this defines.  Having read a few more books on philosophy and existence, including the mythological dramas from around the world, it stuck me how everything is so relatable and inevitable. The energies – yin and yang, positive and negative, dark and light, good and bad; why does everything exist in two parts?  I always like to connect dots in my life; I certainly am a firm believer of destiny, a path that you choose to walk on. Talking of dyad, my constructive soul as well has two parts. Talking about them, I realized how destructive my alter ego can be and how it sometimes overpowers my sane self. It could have b