The Company of Me

“The company of me”, regardless of the cynicism tagged to solitude, takes me for a peace drive, effacing the prolonged derision. There are times when I seriously wish to be left alone and not be bothered by those thousand souls traipsing around me. There is no justifiable rationale for such seclusion.

Resurrecting those ceded thoughts, recollecting those aggrieved dreams and once again nurturing the effect of being an individual. Aren’t these reasons enough to stay in isolation? It’s easy to manipulate a million reasons just to be left alone in this space inefficient world.

Call it solitude or seclusion, there is always a brighter side coupled to this perception. Not just one finds solace, there is an immense involvement in the process of organizing those piled up thoughts. The tumult inside is set right to vivify the disarrayed designs. A participation like this might strengthen the mental capabilities, honing the circumstantial immunity.

Being aloof not necessarily justifies loneliness. It could be a state of mind that urges you to spend some quality time with yourself only to alleviate and disentangle the helical molecules. It isn’t always a queer attempt to shut yourself from the world; on the contrary it is an essay to conjoin your thoughts with the world.

And once you are out of that sublime shell, the new perception elucidates the ethereal web of contradicting emotions. The company of me, there again, paints the rainbow in my world.

- Aditi Bhandari


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